Ian at Fit Man Style. I really Ian’s niche and I like what Ian is doing right now with educating larger, fit men who have a difficult time finding clothing that fits their larger bodies. Not only does he recommend and review items, he breaks down WHY certain pieces fit even going so far as breaking it down by how they’re manufactured and sewn together. I’ve learned a few things from him recently and I’m rooting for his channel to grow. If you’re a bigger guy, go check him out.
On the opposite side of the size spectrum is Brock at The Modest Man. Now, Brock is a fit guy, but he’s a shorter guy at about 5’ 6”, and his content is geared mainly to help educate shorter guys on how to dress for the modest body type. He does a great job with this but also, a lot of his content goes even further and has advice that any guy can use. He also uses a lot of color theory in his content that’s very easy to digest and put into practice.
On the topic of color theory, another guy I’ve been following for quite a while is Marcel at One Dapper Street. Now, Marcel is a younger guy, but he’s educated in fashion and color theory and does a really great job explaining the how and why different pieces go together. He’s a lot trendier than I am and that’s understandable, but I do look to his channel as an authority on trends in menswear. I met Marcel once a little over a year ago at a conference, but I’d love to try some sort of collaboration in the future.
Just like Ian at Fit Man Style, this is another channel I’m rooting for. It’s Richard at Assembled Style. This guy is a workhorse putting out video after video. He’s another younger guy, but since he leans more towards classic menswear styles, I think a lot of what he talks about can relate well to an older demographic. He does a lot product reviews and try-on videos and even brings the camera shopping with him on occasion.
Next up is Brian at He Spoke Style. I’ve never men Brian, but I’ve been a follower for a while. After watching a few of his videos, easy to see that his style is a lot dressier and more expensive than mine. That’s why I follow him and a lot of these other guys for that matter. Brian covers the space just outside of my own personal style, but I’m still very interested in it. I feel the need to continually grow in this space and to keep on top of all aspects of men’s lifestyle. Brian does a great job putting outfits together and editing his look-books.
Going in a sort of opposite direction again, we have Carl at Carl Murawski. I think Carl represents blue collar guys very well. He has more knowledge on leather goods and outdoor apparel than I might ever have. He’s great on-camera and delivers his message extremely well. He highlights both large and small brands, and he gives his honest opinion with well put together product review videos.
Next I have for you my friend Jeff at The Style OG. Jeff and I have met once, but we’ve chatted quite a few times recently. Jeff is the definition of a workhorse. His channel covers a lot of ground and he puts out videos on an almost daily basis. He’s a guy in a similar age bracket to me, and he delivers his message in a confident, no-nonsense manner that’s easy to watch.
The next channel I want to share is Jon and The Kavalier. Jon’s a younger guy, but very intelligent when it comes to brands and retail. I always learn something new when I watch his videos. He has a way of explaining somewhat complicated topics that makes it easy to understand and relate to. He’s great on-camera, he’s very well spoken and puts out a lot of quality videos.
Speaking of quality videos, we have Barron at Effortless Gent. Barron talks a lot about simple, classic and somewhat minimal wardrobe topics that relate to a large demographic of guys. He does a great job of showing examples and he also incorporates a lot of color theory in his content. His approach on-camera comes off as very likeable and I hope you guys go check him out.
Going in a slightly different direction, I give you Teddy at Teddy Baldassarre. Teddy talks about watches in a way that makes it easy to digest. He’s a younger guy, but very knowledgeable about watches and the watch industry. A lot of you guys know that I’ve been trying to learn more about watches recently, and channels like Teddy’s are on a regular rotation for me.
Okay, these next two are bonuses. I’m a fan of both, but they haven’t been uploading videos for a while, so I think we should all go over to their channels and tell them to start uploading again. The first one is Kyle from The Distilled Man. Kyle talks about subject matter right in our wheelhouse. He covers everything from menswear to mixing cocktails. He also runs a pretty cool Podcast.
Last, but not least, we have Tanner Guzy. Tanner wrote the book on the philosophy and sociology of men’s style. I mean, he literally wrote the book, it’s called The Appearance of Power. I bought it on Audible and thought it was very good. I’ll leave a link to it below in the description. I’ve met Tanner twice and he’s just one of those guys that you could listen to talk about this stuff all day. He’s probably the most intelligent guy in the men’s style space I know of, and he always delivers his message in a way that really makes you think.
Alright guys, if you like this type of content, please hit the subscribe button and the bell button over on YouTube because I’m putting out two videos every single week. That means I’ll see you in just a few days in a brand new video. Guys, thank you very much for watching I do appreciate it, and I’ll see you very soon. Take care.
Wow! Lots of good information out there!