I’ve wanted to make this video for quite a while, but it wasn’t until I met a few of the owners from Ollie a few months ago, and talked about my story, that it finally resonated and made sense. I really connected with these guys and what they’re trying to do, so in full disclosure, Ollie is sponsoring this post because #1, I reached out and I asked them to, and #2 they believe in what I’m doing on this website with trying to help dudes look cool. More about Ollie a little bit later.
So look, when you meet someone for the first time, what do you do? You extend your hand for a handshake, you make eye contact and you smile. If your smile isn’t in the shape you’d like it to be, you might not smile as much, or you might try to hide your teeth. This can cause a mental reaction from the person you’re meeting that you’re insecure. People can see your teeth and they also pick up on the fact that you might be trying to hide them.
So listen, if you’re insecure about your smile, there’s a lot of things you can do to fix it. You can do full blown Surgery or implants, you can do traditional braces, Invisilign trays, or even teeth whitening treatments. In my case growing up, my teeth were always kind of crooked, but over time, they got all jacked up and I was always trying to hide them from people.
If you want to do SOMETHING, here’s a few options;
#1, surgical implants. This is something you can have done to a single tooth, or all of your teeth. They’re basically remove your teeth, screw a metal root into your bone and attach a tooth to the top. Now, I’m not super knowledgeable on the procedure or qualified enough to go into much more detail than that, but it is a great option for a lot of people, especially if you have a missing tooth.
#2, Veneers. So this is where your actual teeth get ground down and a porcelain veneer, or sleeve is bonded to your original tooth. I have 4 veneers in my mouth, which I’ll get to in a minute. Veneers are a great way to give your smile a complete makeover because they’re bonded and durable.
#3 Braces or straightening trays. I took the braces route instead of going with something like Invisilign trays. The main reason was time. I wanted to be in and out in the shortest amount of time possible and when I was doing my research, the trays took a year to 2 years depending on the amount of correction you need. So, here’s the thing with adult braces, for me in my mid 40’s at the time, I figured, I’m half done at this point. I didn’t need bite correction, and I just wanted the front of my mouth fixed.
I talked to my dentist about options and he recommended the 6-month smile braces. They don’t go all the way back to the molars and they use sort of a clear bracket and wire. And like the name suggests, they only take about 6 months. In my case, I had them on for just 6 months. I could’ve gone another month, but I was moving out of state and the correction that I had was good enough. Like I said, I just wanted a nice acceptable smile, I wasn’t really going for perfection.
I also had a bike accident when I was younger and had a root canal on one of my front teeth. So essentially one front tooth was dead and started to discolor at a different rate, so essentially I had one front tooth that was darker than everything else. After my braces came off, my orotho suggested I get veneers because the color of that tooth and overall shape of my front teeth couldn’t really be corrected with shaping. I went for it, so now my front 4 upper teeth are veneers.
Option #4 is going with teeth whitening treatments. You can do this in the dentist office, but it’s expensive, or at home with whitening strips like Ollie. Look, if braces or surgery are out of the question, just the simple act of whitening your teeth and brightening your smile is an absolute total win. I mean look, I know how important having a whiter smile is, and the truth is, this is hands down the easiest thing you can do right now to get a brighter smile and it absolutely works.
The cool thing, and what actually sealed the deal for me after trying them out for a while is that they don’t hurt my teeth or gums. I’ve used other strips in the past and they sting my gums and cause discoloration. The Ollie strips don’t cause any irritation on me whatsoever, but they still work to whiten your teeth.
Another great thing about Ollie is they make it super easy. You can do a month-to-month plan where they send you a month’s supply every single month that you can cancel any time, or the best deal that I recommend is the annual plan. They’ll send you the entire years’ worth which gets you the Transformation Kit that you use every day for a month, then after that, you use the Maintenance Strips once a week to maintain your smile. And if you use the temporary discount they gave me to give to you guys, it works out to like less than $7 a month. I’ll leave the direct link they gave us and the discount code right here so you can go check it out for yourself.
Ollie Direct Link
Discount Code: 40fashion
Now, teeth whitening strips won’t whiten veneers, but in my case, I don’t want any uneven discoloration on my surrounding teeth, so I’m using these to help prevent that and to brighten up the rest of my teeth.
Option #5 is using a water flosser. I’m in love with this thing. I’m not really a dental floss guy for whatever reason, but having this thing saved my bacon when I had braces and I still use it today 5 years later. It’s crazy that I can brush my teeth well thinking I’m getting everything, then run this thing and see a lot of food particles come out. I mean, I think I do a pretty good job with my toothbrush, but this thing is amazing. I also have a permanent wire along my bottom teeth and the water flosser does a great job keeping that area clean.
Listen guys, like I always say, you’re 4o-something, you’re not dead yet. You’ve got half your life left to do whatever you want and make improvements to yourself. There’s things you can do and simple products like this than can make a big difference and change the way you feel about yourself. It’s all upside with no downside. If you’re looking for a whiter smile, there’s no reason you shouldn’t try this. I’ll see you very soon and until then, take care.
Nice job, as always!!
Thank you very much!