Hi fellas! In today’s post, we’re talking all about pocket square folds! There are probably hundreds of ways to fold a pocket square, but today I want to show you 5 super simple and stylish ways to fold your pocket square and also give you a few bonus tips. If you’ve been around a while, you know that I wrote about this same topic a long time ago, so I thought it was time to revisit the subject with video. Take a look at the video and try out a few of these folds. Down in the comments, let me know what fold you like best.
Hi John,
I noticed in some of your videos it appears you are matching your watch/watch band color with your belt and shoe color, is that the case? Now that I’m 58 I really enjoy the style information that you’re sharing with us. Looking forward to seeing more of your future tips.
Thank you
Gene Bryant
Hi Gene,
Sometimes I do that, but not always. It’s certainly not a requirement. 🙂
Hi John,
I noticed in some of your videos it appears you are matching your watch/watch band color with your belt and shoe color, is that the case? Now that I’m 58 I really enjoy the style information that you’re sharing with us. Looking forward to seeing more of your future tips.
Thank you
Gene Bryant
Hi Gene,
Sometimes I do that, but not always. It’s certainly not a requirement. 🙂
You’re good at this! I enjoyed your video!
Thank you! Always appreciate your comments.